Quite a lot has transpired on since my last post. I hardly know where to begin. Here's my best attempt:
The S
: I whole heartedly agree with the comment on my previous post pondering how much someone who acted like that could really care. At the core, he is not a terribly good person. He has almost no morals, and subscribes to the most intense sense of Horatio Alger individualism. He's a firm believer in emotional natural selection--those who love him are weak and deserve to perish for the good of the species. I knew all of this about him before, but the worst parts of him appealed to me the most. Typical girl thing--love the rotten ones, and love to bitch about them. Or perhaps it was that his comfort with depravity liberated me from my own better half.
The sweet boy
: This boy deserves his anonymity. For the last 8 weeks, we've been seeing each other, though obviously not exclusively. From the beginning I knew he was leaving at the end of the summer, but after the S disaster, I couldn't help but start to like him. I'm not going to say too much about this one, but I'm missing him to death.
Boy Blue
: In all the times we've hooked up, he's never once stayed the night, or even fained interest in staying once the condom was off. Then last week, he stays the whole night and is uncharacteristically attentive. What the fuck?
Newest Boy
: He's a nice kid, if a little goofy. I don't think I can date a vegan though...wings as a post coital snack would probably be frowned upon.
In other random boy related news, I have a stalker. I gave my email address to this guy like three months ago, we exchanged a few emails and he seemed fine so I gave him my number. We chatted once, and he was entirely too dom for my tastes, so I stopped returning his calls. Then he started calling me from other phone numbers, and being very pushy ("Who are you with? Are you going to fuck him?"). So I stopped answering my phone unless I knew the number. It seemed like he got the hint, but oh no, he's popped up again. This kid just won't give it up.
The other day, I got the strangest message:
Boy: "Want to hang out?"
Hussy: "Who is this?"
Boy: "This is Mat's friend. He recommended you."
Hussy: "?!?!?"
Boy: "So...you want to hang out?"
And that's pretty much it, for the moment. Though with some spaces recently opening up, I am interviewing new boys. Current favorite is a very well defined Eygptian boy. Delicious.