Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Four Letter Word?

"A woman can become a man's friend only in the following stages - first an acquaintance, next a mistress, and only then a friend."
- Anton Chekhov

Never before have I considered the possibility that I may not have the opportunity to sleep with my former lovers again. One or two disappeared at a time, but I never felt distance between myself and all of them at once. With my relationship still going well, that possibility is very real to me now.

Perhaps as a sidebar, I should note that I believe in monogamous "love" for my relationships. It's not that I don't enjoy sex with multiple partners--quite obviously I do (did?). It's polyamory that I've never been able to handle. For me, sex is one thing and love is another. Sometimes the two go together, and very often they do not. From my experience, I have not liked it much when love and sex were part of the same relationship. I liked it even less when love and sex were not exclusively mine in that relationship. Maybe I'm traditionalist at heart? Another topic for another time.

Being in a functional, committed and monogamous relationship means adjusting my interactions with former lovers. When The S visited in May, he attempted to kiss me goodbye and I had to politely decline, even though it broke my heart to do so. The first part of that doesn't seem strange to me. Old habits die hard. The fact that it pained me to refuse him does seem strange to me. I could shrug it off if this experience were just with The S--after all, I did spend the better part of 3 years pining away for him. The Friend of a Friend most understandably should have difficultly adjusting to my newly expanded personal space bubble. He was my most recent, and one of my most frequent lovers, and we did share in some profoundly life-altering moments. Again I find myself regretting having to push him away.

Inexperienced as I am at functional relationships, this causes me to feel guilty and worry that these are signs of the impending doom of my relationship. Still, it seems to me (and to my amazingly unfazed better half) that the feelings you had for someone don't necessarily go away just because you're no longer with them. If The S, The Friend of a Friend, Boy Blue or any of my other lovers had been traditional relationships, there would have been a definitive end and socially defined roles for us post break-up. Since that was never the case, it's hard to know when those relationships really ended, or if they did. It's harder still to know how to interact with men who have become rather integral parts of my life. I shouldn't feel guilty for continuing to care about these men, nor should I worry about the stability of my relationship. I am not interested in other men, nor do I wish that I were still sleeping with any of them. My concern really is how to appropriately act with them. How can I be friends with my exs?

If I take Chekhov's advice, I'm closer now to being friends with these men than I was had I not slept with them. Always one for pop culture inspiration, I also think of that Cake song: "Friend is a four letter word. End is the only part of the word that I heard."

I feel these men, whom at varying points I cared so deeply for, slipping out of my life. Suddenly it takes weeks to respond to an email, phone calls go unanswered, and friendly visits become less and less frequent. Many of my lovers were purely interested in me for sex. And that's just fine because I was purely interested in them for sex. There were a handful, however, who meant a great deal to me. I'd really like to be able to hold onto those few without sex, but I'm completely confused as to how to do it. If the answer is that you can't--let the past be the past, let go, other trite "move on" sayings, etc., then I believe I will be terribly sad. Is friendship the next stop after mistress, or is friend really a four letter word?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Obligatory Resolution Update

1. Hang 2008 calendar. It has pictures of kittens wearing hats, and I have no idea why I bought it.

2. Finish the 10-day detox fast I have embarked upon. Currently, I am on day 5 and have lost 8 pounds. It should be noted though, while I am now the thinnest I have been in my adult life, this fast is not about being skinny. This is more about proving to myself that I can accomplish this. Losing 20 pounds is just a super bonus.

3. Obviously will lose 20 pounds. Duh.

4. Swim more

5. Learn to belly dance.
Haven't gotten to it yet, but I will!

6. Go to the movies by myself.

7. Quit smoking.
Did it, but then started again. New quit date is September 18.

8. Run a 5k, even if it's only against myself.
Haven't gotten to it yet, but I've been running and am getting a treadmill in September!

9. Move either to a new city or, at least, into my very own apartment where no one leaves the toilet paper off the roll, puts an empty box of aluminum foil back in the cabinet, or leaves water on the bathroom floor.
Success! I've moved into my very own basement apartment and it's adorable. I'm broke, but it's adorable. And I'm the only one to blame when the toilet paper roll is empty.

10. Pay off my credit card.
This is the only goal that still seems so terribly far away. Car issues and moving expenses have literally bankrupted me. You can't win 'em all, I guess.

11. Have breakfast brought to me in bed.
The one I thought was the most elusive proved to be one of the easiest to achieve. Perhaps achieve is the wrong word since all I did to precipitate this event was fall in love with a man who isn't emotionally stunted, devious, or evil. Speaking of which, happy four months, muffin!