Friday, January 27, 2006

Baby Mama Drama, Part II

A little over a year ago, you may recall that one of my old lovers thought he was going to be a daddy. Turns out since the baby was half-African American and, surprise, surprise, he's a pasty white boy, the baby was not his. Suffice to say this child did not learn his lesson from that experience. And this time, it's for real. Beyond that, he's not even dating this girl. And apparently she's a little nuts. Grand.

Top Ten Reasons Why This is Disturbing to Me
10. Children generally do not grow up to be well-adjusted when their parents hate each other.
9. Or when their parents hate them. He absolutely abhores kids.
8. He refuses to consider the completely reasonable option of abortion since he's Catholic. Apparently selling it on the black market is equally offensive.
7. He was adament about not having children ever when were together.
6. What the fuck is wrong with me?!?
5. He thinks Taco Bell is a decent dinner.
4. I repeat, what was wrong with me?!?
3. He's so meticulous and borderline obsessive-compulsive that his child will be unbelievably scarred. Also, he'll probably never change a diaper or wake up at 2 am for feedings.
2. Someone that I slept with is now procreating. That's supposedly a thing adults do. If he's an adult, then I must be too. And, oh god...I'm so not ready for that.
1. I think this little conversation demonstrates exactly how unprepared he is for fatherhood:
Me: "You know you're going to have to get rid of your Mini [Cooper], right?"
Him: "No, I'm not."
Me: "Yes, you are. No car seat is going to fit in that thing."
Him: "Whatever. It'll be fine."

Overall, I think my biggest fear is that he isn't going to be a good dad or somehow damage his child. And we all know how growing up, making commitments and life-altering decisions scare the bejesus out of me. Even if I'm not the one doing it.

Crazy Ricky from senior year also got married before New Year's Eve. He has severe emotional problems though. And now two stepsons.


Blogger Ann said...

Fatherhood really doesn't work for a lot of guys. A guy I knew for awhile (M, from my previous comment) started up an affair with me as soon as he found out his wife was pregnant (I didn't know about the pregnancy at first).

Right after the baby was born (2 weeks ago), he started really coming on strong with me. He is already planning to leave wife and new baby at home to come see me for 2 weeks in March.

Should I be OK with this? I shouldn't be...I know. I can't help thinking that it's not my deal to say "no". Pretty selfish, huh?

7:02 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

From TH:
"My advice to you though is to be careful. Married men often seem very in love with you. In fact, in the beginning, they make the best boyfriends. But as time goes on, their attention wanes."

Yeah...that's why I was trying to keep so many going at once...cuts down on the attachment factor. I am totally not looking for that.

Also I think I avoid the "love" issue because I make it pretty clear up front that I don't need to hear those words. I wish women would realize that pressuring men into lying to them (and in some cases to themselves) serves no purpose.

12:36 PM  
Blogger The Husskateer said...

Believe it or not, that was pretty much my attitude as well. But then considering the state of affairs with The S, I can't say it worked too well. Of course, you're your own person. But attachment just sorta sneeks out of no where sometimes.

11:29 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

IKWYM - I am teetering on the brink with Mr. Wow upstairs. I find myself missing him, thinking about him, planning ways to get into his head... all not good.

I need some distractions and quick. I was home all weekend because I wasn't feeling well, and I can constantly hear his voice...Maddening!

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for the record there is plenty of room in a MINI Cooper for the car seat and the baby.. what there is not room for is all the stuff you need to take with you for the baby... but for the first couple of years he should be fine... all the other problems he has is another story... the car is not the least of his problems!

2:41 PM  

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