Friday, November 25, 2005

Imitation is the highest form of flattery

I know posting surveys on your blog is about the lamest thing one could possibly do, but every "100 Things About Me" post I've read has been quite moving. And I suppose there's a comfort in revealing parts of yourself to the world. Especially anonymously.

1. I was born on a Thursday during a terentual down pour in Pennsylvania. There were two peculiar things about my birth. First, I could not recognize the sound of my mother's voice when I was born (which most babies can due to hearing it for 9 months); and two, I didn't sleep for days afterward.
2. My first memory was seeing my brother for the first time in the nursery almost 3 years later. I remember that moment so vividly, and the emotion of it is so intense that I cannot imagine how new parents don't combust when they see their child for the first time.
3. My brother and I are both named after celebrities. My brother is named after Stevie Nicks (my mother's favorite singer), and I am named after my mother's favorite actress. Starts with L...
4. My parents were younger than I am now when I was born. They greatly enjoy reminding me of this.
5. My childhood was fairly unhappy for reasons that I almost never discuss.
6. I work too much because I'm generally quite lonely.
7. I was a phone sex operator for 4 weeks. I also lived on my friends' couches at the same time because I didn't have an apartment.
8. I was in a sorority in college. Beyond that, I was their leader for a brief, awful time.
9. I make the greatest fish face.
10. I've always secretly hoped that my fish face would be one of the things my old boyfriends missed most about me.
11. I brush my teeth in the shower because I believe this allows me to take a longer shower every morning.
12. I gave my first blow job at 11.
13. I've slept with a married man.
14. I have an intense and completely random hatred of Skittles.
15. I have a large amount of grey hair for a 22 year old.
16. My parents seperated when I was 14. Their divorce proceedings lasted over 4 and half years.
17. I went to my senior prom with a girl.
18. I own, not one, but both Titanic soundtracks. Oh the shame.
19. My brother broke my nose when I was 9. I've broken 2 of his fingers. On purpose.
20. I also hit my first boyfriend with a nine-iron.
21. I really am not a violent person.
22. I refuse to order drinks from Starbucks and other fancy coffee shops. I say this is because they're pretenious. Really, it's because I neither know what's in the drinks there, nor do I understand how to order them.
23. I graduated from college $36,000 in debt 6 months ago.
24. I lost my virginity on April 8, 2001 at 2:38 pm in Boston.
25. I spent the remainder of the day crying in the bathroom and drinking rum.
26. All but one of the boys I've been a relationship with were Catholic, while I am adamently not Catholic.
27. My mother threw a party when I got my first period. People brought gifts. It was very strange.
28. I've smoked since I was 17, and love it more than most anything in life.
29. I desperately want an English Bulldog puppy named Bennett. Every time I look at my savings account, I think, "I could afford it." But I know that I really can't.
30. My favorite movies are The English Patient and A Muppet Christmas Carol.
31. I never knew the last names of 10 of the people I've had sex with.
32. I once knew, but have since forgotten, the first name of 1 person I've had sex with.
33. I can't fall asleep without some kind of noise.
34. I lived on a farm for 8 months when I was teenager. One of my many tasks was actually collecting eggs every morning. Chicken coops are filthy places, and the chickens are bloddy pissed off that you're trying to steal their babies. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever done in my life.
35. My greatest fear in life is being left.
36. I'd choose being deaf over being blind because I think sign language is kind of sexy.
37. My mom kicked me out when I was still in college so I had to live with my grandparents.
38. I read Playboy as a child because my dad left them laying around.
39. I have no idea what the hell is going on in Donnie Darko, but Jake Gyllenhaal is so goregous I don't care.
40. I have two tattoos on my back. The most important one is a magnolia flower, which serves to remind me what true grace, strength, beauty, frailty, and forgiveness looks like.
41. I'm one of the most socially awkward people I know.
42. Kegels are the only exercises I do on a consistent basis.
43. I played the clarinet in the band in middle school. I quit, thankfully, before high school, fearing that band would have a negative impact on my social life. I also can play the piano, however poorly.
44. Every boy I've ever had feelings for is attached to a song. I have a playlist on my iTunes soley comprised of these songs. The playlist evolved from the '90s when I kept these songs on tapes.
45. I've been to Europe twice, but the farthest west I've ever been in the U.S. is Michigan.
46. Ever since I read On the Road, I've wanted to remedy that by driving cross-country. This makes me the most unoriginal person of all time.
47. I can't drink vodka since I had alcohol poisoning as a freshman.
48. Doggy style is my favorite position for two reasons. One, it's the easiest to orgasm from. Two, I very often am not comfortable looking at the person I'm having sex with. I have never told anyone the second reason.
49. I consider having sex, fucking and making love to be very different beasts.
50. I've only ever made love with one person.
51. I have never believed in the idea of one true love. Instead I hope to someday be enough that one person couldn't imagine their life without me in it.
52. When I was 9, my childhood best friend died tragically. His funeral was the first I ever went to. I remember seeing him in the casket and not fully understanding what had happened. My mom told me he had gone to heaven, but it was a concept that I couldn't, and perhaps still can't, comprehend.
53. I've always fantasized about being an old woman with an attic full of amazing novelties from my past. I want there to be proof that I had a life less ordinary than most.
54. I've had sex with 4 Mikes, 2 Steves, and 2 Chriss. There you have the most popular boys names of the 1980s.
55. I never kissed the first person I had sex with.
56. Roommates and boyfriends of my friends aside, I have no straight male friends that I haven't slept with.
57. I spout off about safe sex all the time, but I've only used a dental dam once in my life.
58. I am not religious in slightest, but I look forward to Christmas Eve services all year.
59. Sometimes I get horribly home sick and just want the comfort that only mothers and grandmothers can give.
60. I can knit.
61. I miss the boy I dated over the summer a lot. I don't usually get attached to people, but he didn't look at me the same way most boys do.
62. For about 3 months in high school, I was hooking up with my best friend's crush. I've apologized about a dozen times for it, though I'm often not sure if I really am sorry.
63. I know how to put condoms on with my mouth.
64. I have a difficult time forgiving people. I generally carry around whatever has upset me forever, which usually is detrimental to the relationship.
65. About the harshest thing anyone could ever say to me is that I'm not the best they've ever had in bed.
66. It creeps me out when people sit next to me on the train, bus or in the movie theater. Even if the seat next to me is the only one left.
67. I've never had a cavity, and I'm really proud of that.
68. I was voted Most Likely to Succeed by my senior class. If they only knew.
69. My right nipple is pierced, and has been for 3 years now.
70. Most of the time, I feel like I'm at sleep-away camp and any morning I'll walk out the door to find my parents waiting to pick me up and take me back to my real life.
71. If I've had sex with a person, it was either before our third meeting or within one week of meeting. Which ever came first.
72. I am the biggest pack rat of all time. I keep junk that has no possible use, like old newspapers and empty wine bottles.
73. I never take pictures. It requires too much effort, and sometimes the past is better in your memory than it really was.
74. I've been intentionally cruel to some of my lovers simply because I knew that they would let me.
75. I think Ice Cube is one of the hottest men alive.
76. I hate Pearl Jam. That being said, "Better Man" is one of my all time favorite songs.
77. I still get giddy when it snows.
78. I love the feeling of the city at night. It's sublime, in the truest sense of the word, to have silence with so many people around you.
79. I miss The S. More than the euphoria of sex or the illusion of power, I miss knowing that someone else understood.
80. I'm terrified of chickens and airports.
81. I consider cooking food for someone to be one of the most intimate activities one could engage in. I very rarely let boys cook for me.
82. I've only received flowers four times in my life--once from my dad (which doesn't count), twice from an ex-boyfriend, and once from the boy over the summer.
83. I still have all of them. Like I said, pack rat.
84. There is nothing better than waking up early on a Sunday morning and laying in bed with someone.
85. I'm lactose intolerant, but I love cheese. To quote Rufus, "everything it seems I like's a little bit stronger, a little bit thicker, a little bit harmful for me."
86. It's taking entirely too long to finish this list. Apparently, I don't know 100 things about myself.
87. When I was in high school, I was exposed to rabies. I had to get the shots and everything.
88. I was a vegetarian for three years.
89. I have a patch of skin about the size of a quarter directly under my left breast that has absolutely no pigment. There's another patch on my left hip that also has no pigment.
90. Those two spots are about my favorite on my whole body.
91. My hair is naturally very curly. For some reason, this makes strangers feel like they can touch it. I've hated this since I was a child.
92. I have half brothers and sisters whom I don't know.
93. I have a slight office fetish.
94. I truly do not know what I want my life to look like in 10 years.
95. Only one of the boys I've dated has met my family. Three have met my friends. I don't plan on changing that anytime soon.
96. Snow White was the first movie I remember seeing in theaters. I was petrified. Sadly, I was too young to remember E.T.
97. I almost had sex last night, but didn't'll find out later. This offically makes 6 weeks of celibacy. Again. But really this time I might make it.
98. I can pick up things with my toes. Like pens.
99. Almost the last one; better make it count. Turns out I'm not very profound.
100. I tried entirely too hard to make this list not completely about my sex life.


Blogger Drew said...

Very nice. And re: #70 - I know exactly what you mean.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Obesio said...

Excellent list. Very moving.

1:52 PM  

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