Friday, October 14, 2005

Say What?

Remember that kareoke show on MTV a few years ago? I loved that show.

I had pretty miserable sex this past weekend. I was so exhausted, I don't even know why I bothered to have him over. But I did. I think that unlike most women, I don't care for guys who can last and last. Honestly, I just get bored, because I know if I'm gonna come, it's going to be relatively quick. So 45 minutes to an hour of fucking just annoys me. Round 1 was brief, though sufficient. Not great by any means, but decent nonetheless. Shortly after, I promptly fell asleep. There are only three things I want to do after I have sex: take a nap, eat a sandwich, or smoke a cigarette. Don't touch me, don't talk to me, just let me be. I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but it couldn't have been long. For some reason, my visitor felt the need to wake me up for round 2. This is why I am fervently against allowing boys to sleep over. After a half an hour or so, I cutely ask if he's nearly through. At this point, it's 3:30 and I have to be up at 7. Much like Drew, my company does not recognize Columbus Day as a paid holiday. No sane person will believe what comes out of his mouth next.

"You can go to sleep if you want. I'll just finish."

WHAT THE FUCK? Oh yes, I always sleep with one leg over my head. It's surprisingly comfortable.

I do not understand this mentality. What possible thrill could there be in fucking some lifeless, listless, lightly-snoring person? How could one find that in any small way enjoyable? Maybe the boys out here in blogger world can shed some light on this for me, cause this isn't the first time the subject has been brought up. The best my friends and I could come up with is some narcolepsy-esque fetish. Or just plain old stupidity.


Blogger Drew said...

I'm going with a little bit of option A and a lot of option B.

That's just...creepy. And wrong, and disturbing on many levels.

And I'm only talking about working on Columbus Day, but I could apply the same description to your fuck buddy's behavior, too.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Where did you find this guy?

I'm with you...I can't stand when it just pointlessly goes on and on...

That is until recently. I don't mean the pointless part - more the going on and on part.

*Girlish sigh*

7:52 PM  

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