Saturday, March 31, 2007

Dating Down

Seeing beautiful girls with ugly boys fills me with rage. I shouldn't get so angry--other people are entitled to their stupid decisions. I can't help my frustration though. It seems such a waste to see people with someone so obviously far below them. Beyond that, it sets a bad precendent for other boys who may be watching. They see a pretty girl with a balding slob and then they too believe that they are entitled to score such booty despite being fat, stupid and having personal hygenie that is described as questionable.

Normally, I tend to think that my boys are pretty close to on par with me. Years ago, most of my boys were lucky to have graduated from high school and have a social life that extended beyond waxing their cars and hanging out by 7-11. Most were alright looking, but carried themselves with a certain, shall we say, proletariat charm. Their various career paths generally involved a lifetime of manual labor or were even less than ambitious. But they worked fine at the time, and as any small town girl can tell you, there is just something about a tool belt that makes your panties get a little wet.

Now my boys are better educated and more interesting, but they're more or less of the same physical calibur. At least, I think they are. Maybe my sense of self is a little depleted because I've recently been told that I am "dating down." The Roommate went so far as today that I "went ugly early" in reference to my most recent boy. Sure he's a little older than me, and not exactly the epitome of coolness, but who am I to judge? I don't know why I asked that--I judge everyone else freely and without shame. Why should the boys I sleep with be immune? At any rate, I'm wondering if my friends are right. Despite being an obvious egomaniac, I don't usually think that I'm too good for someone unless there is a glaring reason why (see my post on leprechauns).

If I discover that I'm dating down, what do I do? Do I just stop sleeping with him with no reason? Eh, wouldn't be the first time.


Blogger Obesio said...

Good to see you back -- with a series of very interesting posts, no less.

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're awesome; I love you. You do date down, but sometimes, eh, better than nothing, right? It's not like you're marrying them. :D

1:04 PM  

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