Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Just to clarify, hussies can, in fact, be male. It's not a gender specific thing; however, the type of heartache that generally transforms one into a hussy is usually inflicted by a boy. So for all our male readers who fancy themselves something of a "hussy", I suggest you question your sexuality.

On another note, I had a date this weekend. The boy was perfectly nice/sweet, and has done nothing to irritate me, so I have no reason to humiliate him, and therefore shan't. Still, this date had me thinking about larger issues of romantic relations and what we need in order to be attracted to someone. I've always been annoyed by people who philosophized about there being some connection, or "spark", between lovers, but this date persuaded me to agree with this wretchedly idyllic perspective. Whether you're out there looking for Mr. Right, or as I prefer, Mr. Right This Second, there has to be something attracting you to that person. After all, even a hussy has got to have *some* standards. :wink: And it was exactly those standards that prevented me from engaging in the act that distinguishes bad dates from potential second dates.

Brought to you by the letter L.


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